Index of /s2/Music/1396/08/09/01/Homayoun Shajarian - Emshab Kenare Ghazalhaye Man Bekhab/

01 Hojoome Khatereh [320].mp3                      31-Oct-2017 14:33            11266421
02 Pole Khab [320].mp3                             31-Oct-2017 14:33            12737637
03 Tare Mooye Parishan [320].mp3                   31-Oct-2017 14:33            10722029
04 Sokoot-e Beyne Do Harfe In Gole Shab Boo [32..> 31-Oct-2017 07:44            13655057
05 Zire Saghfe Khial [320].mp3                     31-Oct-2017 14:33             9203792
06 Takor [320].mp3                                 31-Oct-2017 14:32            14665474
07 Eghrar  Poshte Eghrar [320].mp3                 31-Oct-2017 14:32            13506682
08 Bid [320].mp3                                   31-Oct-2017 14:34            13006176
09 Aghooshe Khali [320].mp3                        31-Oct-2017 14:33            10349000
10 Gharar [320].mp3                                31-Oct-2017 14:34            14720853
11 Ba To Ghazal Be Sadegie Harf Mishavad [320].mp3 31-Oct-2017 07:48             8771204
12 Piche Bon [320].mp3                             31-Oct-2017 07:48            11847384
13 Banoo [320].mp3                                 31-Oct-2017 07:49            11261196
14 Emshab Kenare Ghazalhaye Man Bekhab [320].mp3   31-Oct-2017 07:49             8072167
15 Akherin Shoae Aftabe Zemestani [320].mp3        31-Oct-2017 14:34            13625800
16 Havaa [320].mp3                                 31-Oct-2017 14:35            12292510